As web developers we often need to ask people who visit our apps for information. That includes things we regularly interact with on the internet like: sign-up forms to create accounts, checkout forms to provide payment and address information, or contact forms. There are so many other uses as well because at their core, forms are simply an interface to gather user input and send it somewhere.
If you’ve been developing in JS for a while you’ve probably come across the keyword this. In this article, I introduce one of the first concepts you need to understand: the execution context.
Imagine you’re in a classroom and each student has a card with a word and a definition on it. The teacher asks a student for the definition of a word. The student looks to their card but the word they have doesn’t match. The student is free to ask other students to reveal the words written on their cards until they arrive at the answer. That is quite similar to how prototypal inheritance works.
This article is meant to accompany an app that I built for my graduation project for the Flatiron School. The code for the front-end can be found here And the repo for the backend is here.
For my JS project I built an app that would help me better organize my tasks.