Omniauth with Instagram and Devise

Posted by leothebeagle on August 24, 2019

For the rails project I am currently working on, I thought I’d try out third party login and registration using Instagram. I am already using devise for registration and authentication, so in this post I am going to demonstrate how I incorporated logging in via Instagram, alongside devise. If you’ve implemented omniauth with facebook, this is going to be pretty familiar. The biggest difference is that Instagram is a little more restrictive with its app, meaning your app will first be in “sandbox” mode, with a limit of 10 users that you need to invite. All apps will undergo a review process and will need to be approved by Instagram before it can go live with unlimited users.


You will need to install omniauth and omniauth-instagram.

Setting up the app:

Create the app on Instagram developer site.

Set callback url to: https://localhost:3000/students/account/auth/instagram/callback

Set home url to : https://localhost:3000/

Copy your Client ID and Client secret

After that register your application

Go to config/initializers/devise.rb

Around line 260 is where the omniauth instructions are commented: below that paste the following line:

config.omniauth :github, 'paste your client ID', 'paste your client secret'

Set up a controller to handle callbacks:

In my case Instagram login and registration is for a student. So, in the controllers directory:
Create a student folder and inside that folder create a file named: omniauth_callbacks_controller.rb
class Student::OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController
    def instagram 
        @student = Student.from_omniauth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])

        if @student.persisted?
          sign_in_and_redirect @student, event: :authentication
          set_flash_message(:notice, :success, kind: "Instagram") if 			  is_navigational_format?
          session["devise.instagram_data"] = request.env["omniauth.auth"]
          flash[:notice] = "couldn't sign in with instagram"
          redirect_to new_student_registration_url
      def failure
        redirect_to root_path

Next add a uid and provider columns to your students table:

rails g migration AddOmniauthToStudents provider:string uid:string


Add the link to login wherever you want it, The root homepage will do.

<%= link_to “Login with Instagram”, student_instagram_omniauth_authorize_path%>

Add route for callback:

devise_for :student, :path => "students/account", controllers: {omniauth_callbacks: "student/omniauth_callbacks"}

And that should be it!